Be Your Best
Dieser Reinigungsbalsam auf Ölbasis schenkt dir saubere, gepflegte Haut und ist für alle Hauttypen geeignet
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Season 4, episode 3
It’s time to rediscover the joys of dressing up with Vanessa – a 45-year-old teacher who fears that self-care and joyous dressing have begun to feel frivolous. But after six years of prioritising motherhood and putting self-care on the back burner, Vanessa is ready to let go of those limitations and inject a little colour into her wardrobe again. With hot-pink co-ords, printed jumpsuits and statement makeup looks on the agenda, tune in as Vanessa embraces the power of dopamine dressing…
The Trinny Takeover Show stars a person in need of a life makeover with Trinny as your host. From throwing out old clothes to discovering new makeup, revitalised hair and a refreshed sense of style, it’s all about rediscovering yourself and your identity. With some honest guidance from Trinny, a lot of love from the Trinny London team and more than a few hours spent clothes shopping, a new way of thinking is revealed.
Dieser Reinigungsbalsam auf Ölbasis schenkt dir saubere, gepflegte Haut und ist für alle Hauttypen geeignet
Dieses hautfreundliche Peeling schenkt dir strahlende Haut und ist für alle Hauttypen geeignet
Intensive Peptid-Feuchtigkeitscreme für pralle, elastische Haut, für normale bis trockene Haut geeignet
SPF 30 Hautperfektionierer pflegt die Haut und sorgt für gesunden Glow
Hochpigmentierter Foundation-Concealer für eine gezielte Abdeckung