
How to prep your skin for makeup

great works of art start with a great canvas

We’ve all had bad hair days – but have you ever had a “bad makeup day”?

For those of us who wear makeup regularly, this is probably a familiar concept. You apply everything with the same techniques and tools you always use, in the same exact order, but something just feels… off. Your foundation isn’t sitting right, your blusher just won’t blend the same way.

It’s probably because you haven’t prepped your skin properly.

Why is it important to prep your skin for makeup?

Just like a painting, the finish of your work of art all comes down to the canvas you’re working with. A smooth surface will produce a seamless finish, while any roughness, dullness or dryness might result in something more akin to a retro artex ceiling.

So, how do we make sure that all of our makeup days are good ones? It’s all about prepping and priming your skin to create the best possible canvas. Read on for our step-by-step guide…

How to use skincare to prep your skin


We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again – cleansing is the first and most important step in your routine. Even if you’ve cleansed before bed the night before, cleansing when you wake up in the morning is essential.

Why? Because while we sleep, what Trinny likes to call a “witches’ brew” is released onto your skin – namely sweat, bacteria and the toxins your skin releases overnight to regenerate itself.

You wouldn’t apply paint to a dirty wall, so why would you apply makeup to dirty skin?

Be Your Best

Be Your Best

Dieser Reinigungsbalsam auf Ölbasis schenkt dir saubere, gepflegte Haut und ist für alle Hauttypen geeignet

Better Off

Better Off

Dieses peelende Reinigungsgel für klare und strahlende Haut ist für alle Hauttypen geeignet

Doppelte Reinigung
Wert 77 €

Doppelte Reinigung

Gründliche Reinigung für alle Hauttypen

Dreierpack Musselintücher


Musselintuch aus reiner Baumwolle für eine gründliche Tiefenreinigung


A liquid exfoliant is the ultimate step for an instantly smoother complexion, because it works to buff away the dead skin cells that sit on the surface of your skin and cause it to look dull.

Liquid exfoliants come in a variety of strengths, but if you want to incorporate one into your morning routine, we recommend a gentle PHA formulation like Tiptoe In.

Tiptoe In

Tiptoe In

Dieses hautfreundliche Peeling schenkt dir strahlende Haut und ist für alle Hauttypen geeignet

Find Your Balance

Find Your Balance

Klärender Komplex für unreine Haut

Reveal Yourself

Reveal Yourself

Hochwirksames Peeling für gesunden Glow, für alle Hauttypen geeignet (außer sensible Haut)


We all know that a moisturiser is great for keeping your skin hydrated, but it also serves another purpose – it seals in all of the skin-loving ingredients you’ve just applied and acts as a barrier against pollutants throughout the day. This final step (aside from SPF, naturally) leaves your skin fully prepped and ready for makeup.

Energise Me

Energise Me

Niacinamid-Feuchtigkeitscreme für geklärte, revitalisierte Haut, für normale bis fettige Haut geeignet

Bounce Back
Intensive Peptid-Feuchtigkeitscreme

Bounce Back

Intensive Peptid-Feuchtigkeitscreme für pralle, elastische Haut, für normale bis trockene Haut geeignet

The extra step for a super-smooth finish

Miracle Blur

Even the best skincare routine can’t change your skin texture instantly – that’s why we love Miracle Blur. Our cult lip + line filler provides a quick makeup fix wherever you want it most, smoothing fine lines, pores and acne scars to create the illusion of a completely smooth canvas.

You can even use it to prep your lips and stop your lipstick from bleeding – simply apply to the outer edges of your lips for a lip look that won’t budge all day long.

Miracle Blur
Miracle Blur

Miracle Blur

Hautglättender, porenverfeinernder Fältchenfüller

How you can look after your skin on a daily basis

Skincare is an important part of self-care, but there’s much more to it than that…

Drink plenty of water

Glowing skin starts from within – drinking around two litres of water a day is good for your whole body, including your complexion. Hydrated skin maintains its elasticity and results in fewer fine lines and wrinkles over time. All the more reason to keep your water bottle close at hand…

Try a facial massage

Do you ever wake up in the morning and find that your complexion looks as tired as you feel? A quick facial massage gets the blood pumping and wakes up your face in an instant, helping to get rid of dullness and puffiness. Plus, it makes your morning routine much more interesting…


Out of everything on this list, sun protection is the one step you truly cannot skip. An SPF won’t affect the texture of your skin in the short-term (unless you use a moisturiser that contains SPF), but it will limit long-term sun damage, meaning fewer fine lines and wrinkles as you go down the path of life. Trust us – your skin will thank you.